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Able-One Blog

Kathy Boulet

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25 years in the making - Old is new again!

By Todd Cox

Chief Technology Officer, Able-One Systems, Inc

We've spent a great deal of time in the past few months thinking about the past. I suppose this is to be expected with Able-One reaching such an important milestone: 25 years in business!

We took a look back at Able-One's business years ago and found an interesting article profiling one of the original owners back in 1990. Such a blast from the past!


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It was very interesting to reflect back not only on Able-One's history but the history of technology that has been such a big part of my life.


Stay tuned to Able-One's blog for great information all year on all kinds of IT topics to help businesses take advantage of the solutions available today to improve their competitive advantage.

Topics: Able-One News

Innovation: The Digital "Perfect Storm" by Irving Wladawsky-Berger

A great article from Irving Wladawsky-Berger on A Kind of Digital "Perfect Storm". He discusses the impact of disruptive innovations like social media, cloud and mobile devices and the challenges of evolving for businesses large and small. A brief excerpt is below, followed by a link to read more. Let us know what you think! You can also find out more about our upcoming IT is Business special event, by clicking on the blue button.

www.ITisBusiness.ca More information here:  IT is Business

A Kind of Digital "Perfect Storm" by Irving Wladawsky-Berger

Every day brings new stories about the impact of digital technologies on every aspect of the world around us, including their transformative impact on companies in just about every industry.  Some of the articles are about the creation of innovative new technologies and applications, while others are about the creative destructionsuch innovations leave in their wake.  Lately, the latter kind of stories seem to predominate.

For a while now, companies have been racing to try to keep with the relentless advances of digital technologies.  But, the race keeps getting tougher every year.  We seem to be heading toward a kind of digital perfect storm, where four major IT trends are each gathering speed while interacting with and amplifying each other: mobile devices, cloud computing, social networks and big data and analytics. Read the rest here.

Topics: Infrastructure, Modernization

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